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You should feel the thrill of winning more money than you can possibly imagine.
You know, I think the best thing about Vegas... is you can become anyone you want.
- Three thousand people died that day, including my father! So I joined up 'cause I wanted to go fight the cowards that did it. But I just ended up fighting in a war that I still don't understand and came home to a country where nothing had changed. Until now. Security is this country's biggest lie.
- Every night after dinner, my father and I would play. I knew basic strategy before I was, like, nine years old. If I won, he'd take me out for ice cream.
- And what if he won?
- He'd still take me out for ice cream.
- Yeah... This is crazy.
- No, Ben. This is profitable.
Ben Campbell: So why are you telling me?
Micky Rosa: Well, let's just say a spot opened up on our roster.
Ben Campbell: How?
Micky Rosa: Jimmy got a job at Google.
Ben Campbell: Jim... Jimmy got a job at Google?
Micky Rosa: Yeah, it's catchy, I know.
Ben Campbell: Well, if you're making so much money at this then why did he take it?
Micky Rosa: Ben, I said Google, not Sizzler.
it's not " if," it's " when."
People, they love blood. They love action. Not this talky, depressing, philosophical bullshit.
The pills come from a girlfriend who's a shrink. She tried to analyze me once but she got too scared.